Sunday, February 11, 2007

Vale Anna

I'm a little disheartened over the round-the-clock coverage of Anna-Nicole Smith's death. Most people approach the whole thing with amusement, because she was a bit of a pathetic, awful figure. But shit...I just came out of the lunch room at work, where people were glued to the E channel, which was running a hastily patched together slide show of ANS's life.

ANS. Sounds like Anus. I'm gonna call her the anus.

So let me just say: I don't care that the anus is dead. I feel ridiculous having to even say that I don't care. How could anyone possibly care? She was famous for being a talentless nothing. Scratch that. She was vaguely, kinda famous for being a talentless nothing. A dumb-as-dirt white trash augmented former playmate who fucked for money. Big deal.



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