Tuesday, December 26, 2006

2006- a look back on a year that were

Like most people, I take the time during the holiday period to look back on the year and allow myself to get thoroughly depressed by my lot in life. So here's a summary.

1. I'm still fat. Fuck me, you'd think I'd have buckled down and lost the weight by now.

2. Still poor. Money avoids me.

3. My career is going roughly nowhere. The one project I was working consistently on, Omega Team, is in limbo. And I barely care.

4. My bike got ripped off. Mostly. I left it outside my office after the tire blew, and when I went to pick it up a few days later, the back tire, and all the gears, had been taken. I hope the guy who stole them is currently wrapped around a tree, with his jawbone clattering around his ankles. I have no problem with that sort of person being dead or grievously injured. Frees up space in major shopping centers.

5. My relationship with my on again, off again girlfriend is as complicated as ever. For the uninitiated, I've been seeing this girl for nearly 2 years now. She's sweet, and pretty, and we have some excellent fights and disagreements. But it won't go further, because there's some incompatibilities- she's Vietnamese, and catholic, and my (Jewish) mother is a horrible bitch.

6. My career aside, my regular day job situation is grim. I'm working for a website tech support team, and the hours/pay sucks. So I'm slinging pizzas at night. I have more fun with the pizzas. But I'm 26.

So what's to look forward to? A few things.

1. Planning on moving to New York. Was hoping for April, probably gonna be May or June at this point. But it's something to work towards.

2. I've taken up Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It's fun, and a good workout. And what red-blooded man doesn't like grappling on the floor with other men, with the objective of getting a frontal mount?

3. I have a purim spiel to direct in March. That oughta be fun.

4. Something may still happen with Omega Team. Stranger things have happened.

5. The Precinct, a nakedfella project, is coming along, with me playing a minor role.

6. Can't get worse.

I know my grievances are minor- I still have my health, I'm getting laid every so often, and I have friends. Oh, and I also live in a peaceful, beautiful city and have no big dogs in my neighbourhood. I have a big computer and bigger TV, an iPod, a Nintendo DS, and lots of books and DVDs. And y'know what? Those things do bring me some happiness. Not true happiness, but why split hairs? I don't use real butter on my toast, why should I have real happiness in my life?

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