Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Good Gnus

I've been an avid reader of The Economist for about 3 years now. From what I've seen, it's the best news-journal out there. I like it's style- no bylines, no editorials, no rock-star columnists. All articles, including the massive surveys, contain no authorship details. It's about the news, stupid. It approaches major world events from a liberal, market friendly political viewpoint, but refuses to endorse one particular party in the UK or US. It even contains in-depth analysis of books, arts, films, tech and games, especially in their relation to the market. And on top of it all, I've never seen a single grammatical error. That's a big deal to me.

So why tell you this? It's certainly not to boast. I always get a bag when I buy it, because when people see it around the office, they decide to ask questions about it, which can be a real pain in the ass. I don't read it because I'm smart- I read it because I want to be informed.

ANYWHOOO...I thought I'd use the online version to include news snippets ever monday. Starting today (which isn't a monday). For now, I'm gonna just copy and paste them in, until i work out how to use RSS feeds. Enjoy.

PS. I'm only gonna include bits I think are interesting. Don't like it? Go buy the full edition, Complainy McGee.

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